12 March 2017

Ivan Rastegorac

IVAN RASTEGORAC (Priština, Srbija, 1940 – Beograd, Srbija, 2010)

poezija / poetry:
Pesme (Edicija Vidici, Beograd, 1965)
Drvo koje teče (Dom omladine Beograda, 1971)
Uveličavajuće staklo (Prosveta, Beograd, 1979)
Svetlosni oklop (Katedra grafike Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti, Beograd, 1982)
Licem prema istoku (koautor) (Književna omladina Timočke Krajine, Bor, 1989)
Ludo govedo (Zajednica književnika Pančeva, 1993)
Azbučna molitva (BIGZ, Beograd, 1995)
Nedelo (IRO Rad, Beograd, 2000)           
Glava (izbor pesama i prozaida) (Društvo Istočnik, Beograd, 2009)

ostale knjige / other books:
Univerzalni Breht (monografija, koautor) (Edicija Teatar poezije, Beograd, 1973)
Poezija i scena (zbornik teorijskih radova) (Edicija Teatar poezije, Beograd, 1974)
Čulo filma (tekstovi o filmskoj umetnosti, izbor Ranka Munitića) (Niški kulturni centar, Niš, 2010)                                                   

preveo / translated by: Novica Petrović


 Pogledajte je,
 sada je tako mirna, tako okrugla
 tako fino zuji pri svom okretanju, tako
 protivna svakom nagonu.

 Celokupnim svojim ustrojstvom,
    svojim okularima, svrsishodno
    raspoređenim slojevima kao i
    ušnim školjkama, ona radi na
    usavršavanju i emancipaciji
    svog dejstva.

 Nikakvih produciranja!

 To je glava oslobođena ili,
                                                ako hoćete,
  lišena srca i  udova,
  lišena mišića (što će reći
  nekih ustaljenih postupaka)
  a zatim nečeg što vas se ne tiče
                                                - ljubavnog ludila!

  Da, ona je na neki način izolovana;
                                             reklo bi se:
  to je velika usijana kugla.
  Ali tu je još uvek njena prošlost:
     bezbroj prizora, batrganja, sle-
     pila, strahova, besnila, mnoštvo
     poznanstava, blaženstava, tupljenja,
     gneva, religija, nešto knjiga,
     otprilike isto toliko filmova
                                                    i svega ostalog
 što čini da je to jedna glava
 krcata istinama, a pogotovu lažima.

 Ovo je njena velika šansa
  u uslovima telesnog odsustva;
  šta mislite, malo fantazije,
     malo onog dragocenog taloga
     isceđenog iz ništavila, po potrebi
     nadmoćnost držanja, javne ucene, malo
     pritiska iznutra, malo
     nadmoći prema svemu
i eto stanja trijumfa.                                 


 Look at it,
 now it is so quiet, so round,
 so finely does it whir while turning, so
 contrary to any instincts.

 Through its entire structure,
    its eyepieces, the purposefully
    arranged layers and
    earlobes, it strives for
    the improvement and emancipation
    of its activity.

 No flaunting!

 That is a head freed from or,
                                      if you want,
  deprived of heart and limbs,
  deprived of muscles (that is to say,
  of some routine procedures)
  and also of something that does not concern you
                                                – of love madness!

  Yes, it is isolated in a way;
                                             one would say:
  it is a great flaming ball.
  But there is still its past:
     countless scenes, struggles, blind-
     nesses, fears, rabies, a multitude of
     acquaintances, blissfulness, twaddle,
     anger, religions, some books,
     approximately as many films
                                                  and everything else
 that makes it a head brimming over
 with truths, especially lies.

 This is its big chance
  in corporeal absence;
  what do you think, a bit of fantasy,
     a little of those precious dregs
     squeezed out of nothingness, if need be,
     superior posture, public blackmail, a bit of
     pressure from the inside, a bit of
     superiority over everything,
and there’s a state of triumph.                                  


trčaću dovek.

neprestano izbacujući iz sebe
čudesne oblike krikova.

ponad reči,
preko kilometarskih rečenica
suv i krt,
velik i jak,
lak i mek.

U počasnom krugu
nailaziću na svoje ostatke
na atletskoj stazi.

Najzad, leći ću  u krevet
na kome spavaju oči.

Trčaću, trčaću.
Trajaću dovek.


I’ll run,
I’ll run as long as I live.

I’ll run
constantly forcing out of myself
wondrous forms of cries.

I’ll run
above words,
across mile-long sentences,
dry and brittle,
big and strong,
light and soft.

In the course of a victory lap
I’ll come across my own remains
on the racetrack.

Eventually, I’ll lie in bed
where eyes sleep.
I’ll sleep.

I’ll run, I’ll run.
I’ll last as long as I live.


Već dugo upozoravam
na ludilo papira;
već dugo kinjim sebe
vrškom pera.

Slikajte se
sa vašim grand-eksportima,
nosite se
sa vašim robnim kazamatima!
Nema sumnje, novac otkriva
nedostatak mašte.
Goleme samousluge
legu male glodare,
veliki orkestri
zakrčuju male barove.
Usahle reči,
u balama od stotinu tona,
stešnjuju prostor za disanje.

Reci šta god hoćeš,
ali oko,
to basnoslovno otkriće,
nevelika je sprava,
a um velikog kalibra
ne mora biti veći
od uma kolibrija.

Već dugo upozoravam
na ludilo papira;
već dugo kinjim sebe
vrškom pera.

Dakako, potrošač je
večno dojenče
koje plače
za svojom bočicom.


For a long time I’ve been warning
against the madness of paper;
for a long time I’ve been tormenting myself
with the tip of my pen.

Pose for photos
with your grand exports,
go to hell
with your consumer prisons!
No doubt, money reveals
a lack of imagination.
Immense supermarkets
breed tiny rodents,
big orchestras
fill small bars to capacity.
Withered words,
packed in bales weighing one hundred tons,
make breathing space cramped.

Say what you will,
but the eye,
that priceless discovery,
is a tiny device,
and a mind of great calibre
need not be larger
than that of a hummingbird.

For a long time I’ve been warning
against the madness of paper;
for a long time I’ve been tormenting myself
with the tip of my pen.

Naturally, a consumer is
an eternal nursling
crying for
his bottle.


Kad igraš, reci,
imaš li odvojene noge?

Kad sviraš na klaviru
i levom rukom
diraš dušu
a desnom
rušiš stene
da li ti se
rascepi telo.


When you dance, pray tell,
are your legs divided?

When you play the piano,
touching the soul
with your left hand
and breaking rocks
with your right hand,
does your body
in two?


Ja nosim svetlosni oklop;
začaran prolazim
ispod slapova vremena.

Ja svetlosni snop udevam,
prelamam u snu.
Poda mnom suva trava gori
i stare novine
pretvaraju se u večni plamen.

Omađijan prolazim
i dodirujem stvari.
Ja povezujem stvari
udaljene i tuđe.

Kroz svetlosni oklop
ne razaznajem udarce.
Samo ih


I wear an armour made of light;
enchanted, I pass
under cascades of time.

I insert light beams,
breaking them in my sleep.
Dry grass burns under my feet,
as do old newspapers,
turning into eternal flame.

Enchanted, I pass
and touch things.
I connect things
distant and foreign.

Through the armour of light
I fail to register the blows I receive.
I merely
suffer them.


                                    Demon Antarktika
                                     demon je pesnika
                                                  (iz novina)

Demon Antarktika
hipnotički je beo,
ali je njegova magija

Staklena vuna kovrdža se
i budalasto pada.
U pravilnim naborima smetova
očvršćuju senke od ametista.

Smrt sporo presvlači
mnoštvo svojih velova.

Hromirani blesak avionskih krila
uvek najavljuje nekolicinu
u belo odevenih čudovišta.

Maskirani u polarna odela,
sa šapama-krpljama na nogama,
sporo se kreću jedan za drugim,
u potiljak,
‘’hodom gusaka’’.

Iz tranzistora stiže
‘’Drski putniče,
pristani na svirepost
i uspni se na Vrh užasa!‘’

Sa visine od 1.700 metara
otkriva se imperija
                                 od jedva prozirnog stakla;
masivni blokovi leda
ispunjavaju kalupe depresija.

Sunce je nalik sablasnoj zveri
koja pripada snu.

Monumentalna samoća,
gospodar i priviđenje,
potpuna je i čista.

Sećanje je ovde kristalno,
ali niotkuda dece
pored skromne vatre
da se teše pramenom dima,
iskrom u oku,
zurenjem u komad zaraženog drveta.
Sećanje je ovde mučenje
da se potopi santa leda,
ali niotkuda usijanog ljudskog krika.

Samo usamljene postaje,
retko nadletanje helikoptera
i vađenje dotrajalih hangara
zubarskim kleštima.

Dolazi još jedna „noć tri psa“ *
sa svojim pravilom
ubiti ili biti ubijen
što očas se okrene u još veće  zlo:
                         istrebiti ili biti istrebljen.

Od čitavog pribora za pisanje
ostale su samo
saonice sa psima.

   *Eskimska izreka za najhladnije polarne noći


                                    The demon of Antarctica
                                    is a demon of poets
                                                  (from a newspaper)

The demon of Antarctica
is hypnotically white,
but his magic
is of the black variety.

Glass wool curls
and falls foolishly.
The regular-looking folds of snowdrift
solidify shades of amethyst.

Death slowly changes
its multitude of veils.

The chrome-plated sheen of aircraft wings
always announces several
monsters dressed in white.

Masked in polar overalls,
with paw-like snow-shoes on their feet,
they move slowly
in a single file,
walking like geese.

The transistor radio
emits a voice-order:
“Brazen traveller,
acquiesce to cruelty
and climb to the Peak of Horror!”

From a height of 1,700 metres,
an empire of barely transparent
                                                glass is revealed;
massive blocks of ice
fill the moulds of depressions.

The sun resembles a ghostly beast
belonging to the realm of dreams.

Monumental solitude,
master and apparition,
is total and pure.

Memory is crystalline here,
but next to the modest fire
there are no children
to console themselves
with a wisp of smoke,
sparkle in the eye,
staring at a piece of diseased wood.
Here, memory constitutes tortuous attempts
to sink an iceberg,
but a white-hot human scream is nowhere to be heard.

There are only solitary way stations,
infrequent helicopter flights overhead
and taking dilapidated hangars out
with dental pliers.

Another “three dog night”* is on the way
with its rule of
kill or be killed,
which, in no time at all, becomes an even greater evil:
                                    exterminate or be exterminated.

Of all the stationery
there only remain
dog-drawn sledges.

   *An Eskimo expression signifying the coldest of polar nights.


Tema je teška, dostojna
priroda koja se, bez zazora,
ustremljivala čoveku u oči
- iznenada se predala.

Reči, glas  ljudski
samo su ohlađeni deo
opšteg bola.

Sa svakim okretom žrvnja
postaneš jači.
Postaješ jači
što je noć crnja.

Fosili, brojevi, monade
- mnogo znanja zakopano je
duboko u pamćenju.

Pesnici skupljaju misterije;
čudesa tušta i tma.

Ptičice zoblju
odbačene stihove
i duše padaju u pakao
tako gusto
kao kad pada sneg.

Munja, koja je nekad
slobodno lutala svetom,
kao konj, pas ili mačka
prede privezana za kućni prag.


It is a weighty topic, worthy of
nature that, without any qualms,
preyed at man eye to eye
– has surrendered all of a sudden.

Words, the human voice,
are merely the cooled-down part
of universal pain.

With each turn of the millstone
you become stronger.
The darker the night
the stronger you get.

Fossils, numbers, monads
– much knowledge is buried
deep in the memory.

Poets collect mysteries;
a host of miracles.

Little birds peck at
cast-off verses
and souls fall down to hell
as densely
as snow.

Lightning, which once
freely roamed the world,
like a horse, dog or cat,
purrs tied to the threshold.


Raskopčavajući odeću
naiđoh, nenadano, na srce -
malo, puno ožiljaka,
ali istrajno u damaranju.

Istetovirano kao mišica,
zatečeno u bludu,
stiskalo se i otvaralo kao pesnica
kao da se snažilo ljubavlju,
u ropcu.

Probijajući ledenu barijeru,
nedaleko od vulkana Erebusa
na zaleđenoj dubini od tri hiljade
Skotova polarna ekspedicija
naišla je na srce okeana,
hiljadugodišnju amforu
ispunjenu ljudskom krvlju.


Unbuttoning my clothes,
unexpectedly I came across my heart –
smallish, full of scars,
but steadily pounding away.

Tattooed like a biceps,
caught in debauchery,
clenching and opening like a fist,
seeming to gain strength through love,
in its death rattle.

Breaking through the ice barrier,
near Mt Erebus volcano
in the frozen depths of three thousand
Scott’s polar expedition
came across the heart of the ocean,
a thousand-year old amphora
filled with human blood.


Dovde da doploviš,
jedrila svoja da spustiš;
u pustom zimovniku
da pristaneš.

Srce da zakopaš u zemlju
i zaćutiš.

To je, dakle, život.

To je, dakle, život:
naopako da se krećeš
kroz zvezdani prostor,
sve bliži svom rođenju.


To sail this far,
take down the sails;
anchor in the empty
winter harbour.

To bury your heart in the ground
and fall silent.

That, then, is life.

That, then, is life:
to move backward
through the starry void,
ever closer to your birth.


Žreci su valjda gore,
jer u oblacima već drhte
plave munje.

Inače, nered je na nebu:
zvezde se otkidaju,
s pljuskom padaju u vodu.

Iza polarnih krajeva sviće,
kompas otkazuje poslušnost
(magnetna igla pravi gluposti!)
brod-priviđenje vuče za sobom
svetlost nadnaravne dužine.

Mornari ropću. U očajanju  
prizivaju priču o Isusu Navinu:
Isus naredi suncu da se zaustavi.

Nebo u ulozi velikog ekrana:
na njemu se ogledaju senke
slučajnih figura.

Originali svih slika
nalaze se negde daleko;
vazdušno prostranstvo leži
između originala i kopije.

Ogledala mora rastavljena
na slojeve različite gustine.

Žreci proveravaju ogledala
prinoseći ih grebenima:
grebeni postaju visoki talasi,
visoki talasi postaju grebeni.

Iza polarnih krajeva sviće.

Budimo se na dnu
vazdušnog okeana.


The priests are presumably up there,
for blue bolts are already pulsating
in the clouds.

Otherwise, it is chaotic up there in the sky:
stars get torn off,
and fall down into water with a splash.

Dawn breaks beyond the polar regions,
the compass runs wild
(its magnetic needle acting foolishly!),
the ship-apparition drags behind
light of supernatural wavelength.

The sailors chafe. In despair,  
they invoke the story of Jesus Navin:
Jesus ordered the sun to stop.

The sky acting like a big screen:
shadows of accidental figures
are reflected in it.

The originals of all pictures
are somewhere far away;
aerial expanse lies
between the original and a copy.

Mirrors of the sea split
into layers of varying density.

The priests check the mirrors
holding them close to the rocks:
the rocks turn into high waves,
high waves become rocks.

It is dawning beyond the polar regions.

We awake at the bottom
of the aerial ocean.


Za sve o čemu pokušavam da vam govorim postoji jedan aršin, jedna mera – to je 
č i o d a.

Ali sa kakvim se prećutkivanjem, sa kakvim nipodaštavanjem odnosi prema njoj velika većina! Pod mojim uveličavajućim staklom njen ubod raste,  produbljuje se, bol je trajnijeg karaktera, ubod čiode postaje pod mojom lupom – ubod noža.

Verujem da sva omalovažavanja dolaze od ljudi čija su tela suviše razređena. Za njih je čioda neznatna, jer im ne pričinjava nikakvih teškoća, ne zadaje im nikakvog bola. Moje je telo koncentrisano, rekao bih – prepunjeno. Svaki od tih tobože sitnih, ali veoma ljutih uboda, za mene je opaka zaraza, patnja, čitava eksplozija.

Ubod mača ili kakvog drugog dugog i veoma oštrog oružja, koje druge ubija u mukama, za mene je tek jedan potreban izliv, davanje oduška.

Moje uveličavajuće staklo tada je samo neupotrebljiva sprava, koja ne doseže dovoljno, koja ne sažima ono što se oko nje dešava.


For everything that I’m trying to tell you there is one measure, one unit of measurement – that is a p i n.

But the majority of us fail to mention it at all, indeed, treat it with utter disdain! Under my magnifying glass, its pinprick increases, deepens, the pain is more durable, under my magnifying glass a pinprick becomes – a knife stab.

I believe that it is people whose bodies are too diffuse who are prone to such a disdainful attitude. To them, a pin is insignificant, for it causes them no difficulties, causes them no pain. My body is concentrated, I would say – overfilled. Each one of those seemingly tiny, but very poisonous pinpricks, is vile contagion, suffering, and an entire explosion.

A sword stab, or a stab coming from any other long and very sharp weapon, which causes others to die in great pain, is just a necessary outburst to me, giving vent to your feelings.

Then my magnifying glass is just a useless device, which doesn’t reach far enough, doesn’t condense that which happens around it.

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